Humility and Holy Confidence

I believe often times that men of church are so poorly programmed by the world that they can't tell the difference between roll-over into submission humility and walking in God's Holy confidence. That is what we will explore in today's blog post.

When we understand the impact of red letters in scripture we can then understand the importance of Jesus' declaration in Matthew 23:12 "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." I don't know about you but I'm a fan of a direct promise from scripture and I always want to be on the side of God's exaltation and not feel the effects of His humbling. However, I think as men of the church we get humility wrong and it effects our effectiveness in God's kingdom. I think sometimes men of the church believe humility is "taking on the chin from your boss" or "yes honey" to whatever your wife and/or daughter asks of you or even worse being a doormat for the world as to not "offend" anyone. Now certainly we do want to pour ourselves out as servants in humility but NEVER at the expense of the framework guidelines in God's word. What do I mean? Let's say at work your boss who is in a Godly position of authority over you as scripture teaches, asks you to work late when you have promised one of your family members something, that you made your boss aware of weeks ago. Do you roll over and not stick to your word with your family? Is God's blessing in your word to your family or in staying late at work? Really it is that simple of a question to ask yourself. Now, how do you go about respecting the authority over you with your boss, as well as not breaking your word to your family? This is where what I call, holy confidence comes into play.

Holy confidence must be preceded by a solid understanding of God's sovereignty - the understanding that God is fully omnipresent, omniscient and in total control. He knows that your boss would ask you to work late. He knows what will happen if you say no or find another solution. He knows even the eventual decision you will make. He is all knowing and knows all. This is important as a precursor for holy confidence because we can rest assured that standing on what He has promised us in His word, even the most trivial thing to us, hasn't passed by His sovereign hand for our lives. In other words, He knows all hardships, challenges and celebrations that your will go through before you go through them and as believers He still works each situation for our good! (Romans 8:28). So back to the boss. When we know this truth and walk in His holy confidence, because of His goodness and nothing we have done, we begin to see our priorities through His word. This instills us the confidence to walk back into the bosses office and say, "Listen, I am grateful for this job and normally working late is not a problem but I made a commitment to my family tonight that I need to keep. Is there someone else that can do what's needed or can I do it late night tonight or early in the morning?" I would venture to say almost every time there is another solution to be found. But I also will be bold enough to say that if there isn't, you still need to honor God and your family over your work. God’s blessings are found in keeping your alignment in life in check. God’s calling to your family duties come before your work duties.

So put simply, humility and holy confidence work hand in hand allowing you to pour yourself out as a humble servant but to also walk in the security and assurance that God has your back, has what's best for you in your life and has a plan that NEVER requires you to do things that violate the life guidelines in His word. Sometimes this requires you as a man to take a STAND. But remember when you take a STAND, it isn't for you, it is for the King of Kings and His rewards are always better than anything this world can offer us.











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