The Master Artist and His Image

While I attended Eckerd College in St. Petersburg Florida in 2006, or sometime shortly after, Tibetan Monks came to the campus to create what they call a sand mandala. They are back this year doing the same. This type of artistry is particularly painstaking because the monks use a funnel type tool called chakpurs, that funnel bits of sand in place as they develop their artistry. This process takes days and has 5 or more monks involved. The end product is a beautiful piece of art. However, the perplexing thing for me, as a believer, is what the monks do once they finish. The piece of art is dumped into the ocean and destroyed in some grand gesture of impermanence. What a contrast in how the Master Artist sees us.

The book of Genesis tells us that God created us and did it in His image. Now any study of the human body will tell you that it is one amazing piece of artwork and engineering. But that, although amazing, isn't what blows my mind. What blows my mind is the Master Artist stood back, looked at His creation in complete adoration, and still does today. I think of God strolling through an art gallery and appreciating individual artwork but stopping in complete and unconditional love as He sees us, His creation. Buddhism doesn't see creation like God does and it creates a deep level of emptiness in its followers. Ravi Zacharias a converted Buddhist wrote a book called "The Lotus and the Cross: Jesus talks with Buddha". The book concludes with the lack of finality in Buddhism which leads to uncertainty and despair. Is impermanence in life's greatest questions fulfilling to anyone? I don't think so.

Let me be clear, I don't write this blog to slam Buddhism although any sincere unbiased look at a contrast between Christianity and Buddhism should leave a person making an obvious choice. I write, so that as men of God we never lose sight of how the Master Artist sees us and how that, should instill a confidence in us, that doesn't waiver but allows us to stand as men for God's kingdom and His righteousness.

I'm involved in a local men's group at my church and act as a coach to assist group leaders. I had the honor recently to remind a new group leader that because God called him to lead a group, he should have great confidence and be bold in His leading. Our foundation as men should start with knowing how God, the Master Artist created us and how high he values His creation. We need to look no further than the Garden of Eden but if that's not enough we look to God's son Jesus being tortured and hung from a Roman cross as the ultimate act of love and obedience setting God's creation free from the punishment of sin. This should give us great righteous confidence!

Do you see God as your Master Artist who loves you recklessly and would never even think of tossing you away into the sea as if you hold no value? The world is trying to destroy our value Men, but they are not, nor will never be a match for the Creator of the Universe. See yourselves as the Master Artist sees you and lead honorably, righteously and boldly!











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