When Protector's Protect...

So what happens to society and culture when protector's protect? Like everything in God's word when we act out of obedience to His word, everyone wins. When men embrace their calling and identity as society's protector, it literally stands in the gap pushing back evil from its influence on society. It reminds me of the great Spartan army and King Leonidas with merely 300 men, holding off the 1 million strong Persian army at the pass of Thermopylae. The Spartans protecting their homeland wouldn't let them through the narrow passage to where the Spartan's and their families lived. I see us as the men of the church suited in the armor of God starting to push satan out of the culture the enemy has certainly infiltrated. As saved spirit indwelling men of the church, we can claim this right and act on it. In fact, I believe it is our duty.

When protector's protect, our wives have one of their deepest needs met. The need for security. A secure wife is a peace filled wife. An insecure one is just the opposite. Our culture leads men to believe that their wife finds security through the dollar bills they bring in. While certainly provision of finances is part of it, without the willingness to "lay your life down for you wife as Christ did the church" as Paul describes in Ephesians 5, her deepest security need isn't met. When we cover our wives as protectors we give them the ability and freedom to flourish in their relationship with Christ. This in turn allows our wife to embrace her biblical role in the marriage and be our complimentary partner.

When protector's protect, our daughters aren't led astray by societal and cultural pitfalls that are thrown at them daily. Why? Because we stand firm and teach them the difference. Our daughters see truth modeled at home in the protection we provide our wives and come to understand that as the framework for a holy and sanctified marriage. Our daughters walk in security knowing they have a daddy who is their protector, defender and rescuer. Our protection and teaching in their early years allow our daughters to grow into their teens being able to discern a protector from a predator and to choose wisely. One of our greatest joys as men should be seeing our daughters live their lives in freedom because of the protection we have provided them and the example we have set.

There is a consist theme here when society's men protect: the provision of security and freedom. Sadly most of the world's women today enjoy neither or are forced to try and provide it themselves. Ask any women if she would like to fall under the protection of a righteous man, and not have to worry about providing it on her own and if she's honest, she would say YES!

Extrapolate what happens when protector's protect to the other issues that break God's heart: abortion, domestic violence, human trafficking, pornography and the list goes on. It's easy to see why satan has tried to distract us men from this sacred calling as protector. It's time we go forth and stand as protectors. After all it is in God word as His will for you as a MAN!











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