Hi and thank you for visiting my site today. I'm first and foremost a husband to my wife and a father to four amazing children. I was sitting in church one Saturday evening and was overcome with the feeling of being called into men's ministry. God showed me that the church is full of prodigal men that desire to experience God's victory in their life but they've settled for a mediocre existence. To back track, I grew up in a loving catholic home. I came into a personal relationship with our savior, Jesus Christ, while I was playing college baseball through the great ministry of Cru formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ. I graduated college feeling called into ministry, but God chose a different path for me.

I started my career in the government and political world, I developed relationships with some righteous men who were leaders, and I also saw the broken world of men and women around me. As my desire to serve grew, I served on a local crisis pregnancy center's board. This ministry was full of brokenness but also miracles. I saw so many women who were abused and abandoned by men. This began my journey to being God's servant in fixing this world by fixing a man's identity. If a man doesn't know his assigned identity by God he will always struggle. My true desire is to help men win in this world, all to grow God's Kingdom and to reestablish that our masculinity has been created to be a blessing to the world. I truly hope that every word I say and every action I do, brings glory to God and grows the men of the church into the warriors God intends them to be.

I'm excited to help you grow closer to the King of the Universe and learn how to walk in victory in every area of your life.











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